Conservation and movement of vegetatively propagated germplasm: in vitro culture and disease aspects: report of a subcommittee meeting held at North Carolina State University, USA, 17-19 August 1987
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources. Advisory Committee on In Vitro Storage
Conservation and movement of vegetatively propagated germplasm: in vitro culture and disease aspects: report of a subcommittee meeting held at North Carolina State University, USA, 17-19 August 1987 (Book) - Rome IBPGR 1988 - 60 p. 30 cm.
Germplasm resources, Plant--Storage--In vitro--Congresses Plant propagation--In vitro--Congresses
575.11:631.524.86 INT / 15294
Conservation and movement of vegetatively propagated germplasm: in vitro culture and disease aspects: report of a subcommittee meeting held at North Carolina State University, USA, 17-19 August 1987 (Book) - Rome IBPGR 1988 - 60 p. 30 cm.
Germplasm resources, Plant--Storage--In vitro--Congresses Plant propagation--In vitro--Congresses
575.11:631.524.86 INT / 15294