De weerslag van enkele agronomische factoren op de groei, ontwikkeling en minerale samenstellin gcan Arachis hypogaea L. cv 'Local Spanish V13'=The effects of some agronomic factors on the growth, development and mineral content of Arachis hypogaea L. cv. 'Local Spanish V13'
Chee, Y.K.
De weerslag van enkele agronomische factoren op de groei, ontwikkeling en minerale samenstellin gcan Arachis hypogaea L. cv 'Local Spanish V13'=The effects of some agronomic factors on the growth, development and mineral content of Arachis hypogaea L. cv. 'Local Spanish V13' (Thesis) - 1978 - 347p. 24 cm.
634.58:631.81(043) CHE/30C / 3278
De weerslag van enkele agronomische factoren op de groei, ontwikkeling en minerale samenstellin gcan Arachis hypogaea L. cv 'Local Spanish V13'=The effects of some agronomic factors on the growth, development and mineral content of Arachis hypogaea L. cv. 'Local Spanish V13' (Thesis) - 1978 - 347p. 24 cm.
634.58:631.81(043) CHE/30C / 3278